
  • Establish efficient project management, organizational support, and communication within the consortium.
  • Ensure smooth, high-quality, and timely execution of all project activities, with effective risk management.
  • Facilitate clear communication between project partners, the European Commission, and stakeholders.
  • Develop and maintain decision-making structures and a robust project work plan.
  • Enhance scientific skills of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs) in water quality and food safety research.
  • Unlock research potential by addressing knowledge gaps through advanced methodologies.
  • Promote career development with interdisciplinary skills, leadership training, and collaboration.
  • Maximize research impact, ensuring sustainability and continued recruitment of talented researchers.


  • Establish frameworks to integrate AUTH into international research networks and funding opportunities.
  • Facilitate mobility programs to transfer knowledge and expand research collaboration.
  • Provide specialized training for researchers through short-term secondments and tailored courses.
  • Promote networking and innovation to ensure long-term sustainability of research results.


  • Strengthen project management, innovation transfer, and financial administration capabilities.
  • Assess and redefine organizational structures to support research and innovation management.
  • Develop targeted capacity-building initiatives to boost transversal skills and ensure project success.
  • Monitor project activities using predefined KPIs and implement risk mitigation strategies.


  • Develop a long-term sustainability strategy to ensure AUTH’s continued excellence.
  • Foster collaboration through synergies with EU institutions, initiatives, and projects.
  • Define new research avenues and strategies to expand AUTH’s influence and innovation capacity.
  • Seek governmental support to strengthen technology transfer and research governance.


  • Design and implement a robust communication and dissemination strategy to maximize visibility.
  • Develop promotional materials and tools, including a project website and outreach content.
  • Foster networking opportunities and stakeholder engagement through tailored events and communication channels.
  • Ensure the long-term valorization and exploitation of project results for societal impact.